Published Aug 22, 2023
Key names Haynes King the starting QB to open the 2023 season
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Kelly Quinlan  •  JacketsOnline

ATLANTA- Georgia Tech football coach Brent Key surprised many on Tuesday by announcing his starting quarterback well ahead of the season-opening game against Louisville on September 1.

Texas A&M transfer and fourth-year quarterback Haynes King got the nod of redshirt freshman Zach Pyron.

"I did meet with both quarterbacks yesterday with Zach and Haynes met with them by myself and I informed them of the decision that I made as far as the starting quarterback would be. Haynes King will be the starting quarterback moving into the first game versus Louisville," head coach Brent Key told the media.

Pyron was the presumptive favorite coming out of spring ball after starting two games last season and playing in three before breaking his collarbone in the Miami game.

King was named the Aggies' starting quarterback twice in 2021 prior to a season-ending injury in week two of that season and in 2022 before he was benched by Texas A&M head coach Jimbo Fisher and then returned midseason to start and play in more games.

Key said they will not have a short leash for King either in the Louisville game.

"Haynes King is the starter. Make no bones about it. That is why we made the decision. I'm not putting him on a short leash. I don't want the starting quarterback to go out there and feel like if he makes one mistake he is going to get yanked. That is not the world we are living in," Key said. "Both guys will have to be prepared. We can win with both players, we can. The overall amount of improvement from both of those guys over the course of the entire offseason, spring ball, summer workouts and into preseason camp has been outstanding. Both guys have a very bright future."

Despite not winning the job out of the box, Key was quick to point out what he thinks of Pyron's future on the Flats.

"Make no mistake, Zach Pyron is a heck of a quarterback and he is going to play really good football here at Georgia Tech."

"We are turning the page on that and now we are focused on getting the team focused and prepped moving forward. I had a chance to meet with these guys individually with no one else, it wasn't staff, it was myself and the individual player only and talked with them in depth about where they are at and where they stand. Both what they need to continue to work on and inform them of my decision," Key said.

Key had mentioned in several media availabilities that waiting until game day was a possibility but he decided to focus on Louisville and not let the quarterback battle dominate headlines for the next 11 days.

"I informed the players of my decision and that I would be telling you guys today and that way we can move on really as a full team and get ready to start playing games," Key said. "It was the right time. There is no decision I've made in the program to this point that has been made quickly. They've all been very thought-out and looked over. Done in depth, so as the head coach when I got to sleep at night I know that I've made the right decision for this time."

The decision according to Key was not just based on fall camp but an overall evaluation process dating back to when the team reported in January.

"Both quarterbacks had outstanding camps. The evaluation has been going on since January 6 and to have three quarterbacks that have started college football games on your team is a super positive to have and there are going to be points in time this year when those quarterbacks will all play but for now, Haynes king is the starter and we are looking forward to moving on now."

The Jackets will move into full Louisville prep mode later this week with King at the helm of the offense for first-year offensive coordinator Buster Faulkner.


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